10 Tips on How to Stay "Happily Married for 25 Years"


Being married and being happily married are two different things.
Sharing my journey of 25 years of marriage and why we still choose each other...

In 1996 we said "I do" and in 2021 we said "I do" again....

The fact that my husband and I have been married 25 years is honestly shocking.

However, I realize that I am extremely blessed and fortunate.
Not only do I still love my husband, but I really like him.
Too often in marriages one, or both, of these feelings is lost.
A happy marriage does not happen overnight, it takes a lot of compromise, prayer and time to grow in love.

When there is a foundation of caring and love, then you can trust at all times that you will get through whatever difficulties you are facing.
When we tell people we have been married for 25 years, they want to know some tips.

Marriage Takes 3
I once thought marriage took
Just two to make a go
But now I am convinced
It takes the Lord also.
And not one marriage fails
Where Christ is asked to enter
As lovers come together
With Jesus at the center.
But marriage seldom thrives
And homes are incomplete
Till He is welcomed there
To help avoid defeat.
In homes where God is first
It’s obvious to see
Those unions really work,
For marriage still takes three.

-Perry Tanksley

Building a happy, healthy relationship is hard work and requires growth from both partners.

At times, this can mean processing difficult events and tolerating discomfort.

For my husband and I we learned Marriage takes three? Husband, wife and God.

​Yes, compromise and communication are important, but what we have learned is both people in the marriage have to want to grow in love and be each others biggest supporter.

As individuals we change throughout our stages of life.

You have to be on the same team and always express kindness, appreciation and responsibility when you drop the ball.

Every day is not going to be sunshine and rainbows, but it doesn’t have to be thunderstorms and hurricanes either.

My Top 10 Tips...

  1. Keep God First

  2. Keep Laughing

  3. Don't Keep Score

  4. Don't sweat the Small Stuff

  5. Forgive

  6. Remain Friends

  7. Keep your relationship issues between you and your spouse and (therapist ) :)

  8. Keep it Sexy (Take off the bonnet ladies)

  9. Plan Date night monthly

  10. Stay Flexible


Our 25 year vowel renewal with our daughters, my older lead the ceremony. :)

NaTasha Bailey